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Sachin Pilot के डर से फेल हो रहे गहलोत, पुनिया को फेल कर रही Vasundhara !

Duration: 10:54Views: 14.4KLikes: 635Date Created: May, 2022

Channel: Rajasthan Tak

Category: News & Politics

Tags: rajasthan crisisrajasthan political turmoilrajasthan tak videosashok gehlotrajasthan newssatish pooniarajasthantakrajasthan political crisisrajasthan videosrajasthan political dramarajasthan takrajasthan tak officialvasundhara rajerajasthan latest newsrajasthan government crisispolitical crisis in rajasthansachin vs gehlotsachin pilotrajasthan politics crisisrajashtan political crisisrajasthan govt crisisrajasthan politics

Description: Sachin Pilot के डर से फेल हो रहे गहलोत, पुनिया को फेल कर रही Vasundhara ! क्लिक कर देखें लेटेस्ट TAK फोटो गैलरी: tak.live/photogallery -------- About the Channel: Rajasthan Tak is a platform for the people to raise voice on issues they feel strongly about and it is a medium which will not just provide news and analysis but will also showcase the cultural heritage of the Royal Rajasthan Follow us on: Website: mobiletak.in/rajasthantak Facebook: facebook.com/rajasthantakofficial Twitter: twitter.com/Rajasthan_Tak

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