Channel: Defence Forces
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: вооружённые си́лы росси́йской федера́циивоенно-воздушные силы россииrussian navyukraine vs russiaukrainian army vs russian armyvoyenno-vozdushnye sily rossiiсухопутні війська україниpovitryani syly ukrayinyukrainukrainian air forcerussian armed forcesповітряні сили україниrussiarussian air forceukrainian ground forcesarmed forces of ukraineзбройні сили україниvooruzhonniye síly rossíyskoy federátsiirussian ground forcesukrainian naval forces
Description: In this video we compare the special forces of Russia and Ukraine. Defence Forces, provides a unique excellent video of data concerning today's world military powers. Over 50 world military powers, army, navy, air force, land forces, naval forces, special forces, soldiers, tanks, Armored Fighting Vehicles, Self-Propelled Guns, Towed Artillery, Multiple-Launch Rocket Systems, Aircraft Carriers, Frigates, Destroyers, Corvettes, Submarines, Coastal Defense Craft, Aircraft, Fixed-Wing Attack Aircraft, Transport Aircraft, Trainer Aircraft, Helicopters, Attack Helicopters are considered in the ranking which allows for a broad opportunity of comparisons to be achieved concerning relative military strengths. Please Subscribe to Our Channel ☑️Subscribe: