Channel: Christian Johansen
Category: Music
Tags: falen horizondon'tvocalrunscreambesttypeskid rowasking alexandriacoverpost hardcoremetalcoreetcgrowlfreehot guyben brucemetalhead7323singingsexychristian johansenmetalacousticdanny worsnopcleanfallenwhatjasonknowsingtoyourssumerian records
Description: MY BAND: All Copyrightclaim goes to Asking Alexandria & Sumerian Records for creating the song Run Free THIS IS ONLY A VOCAL COVER OF THE ORIGINAL SONG Asking Alexandria facebook: Last time im using windows movie maker for sure Ofc there is some dubs i did, but since WMM is how it is, i couldn't get them mixed in the video, shouldent be hard to hear where the dubs are anyway. SOOOOOO MANY PEOPLE wanted a new AA cover so here you all go! Enjoy