Channel: Asif Bin Azad
Category: Entertainment
Tags: strict bossyoutube bangladeshbanglalinkbhaibrothersrubaba dowlabhai brothers 2018bangla videobongoairtel20185 second rulegrameenphonebhai brothers ltdrubaba dowla interviewchotoazad interviewthe interview with chotoazadvai brothersrubaba dowla karate kicked the bad manbhai brothers new videohdasif bin azad
Description: Season 3 of The Interview with ChotoAzad kicks off with Rubaba Dowla as she reveals how strict is she as a boss, why she karate kicked a man, played 5 Second Rule & gets a little personal SUBSCRIBE to BhaiBrothers LTD - New Episode every Friday! BhaiBrothers on Facebook : Follow ChotoAzad FB : IG : Snapchat @chotoazad