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Rosi Golan - Come around - текст, перевод, транскрипция

Duration: 04:15Views: 4.5KLikes: 176Date Created: Nov, 2021

Channel: Английский по песням и не только

Category: Education

Tags: rosi golan come aroundанглийскийанглийский языкизучение английского языка по песнямпесни на английскомenglishbysongsизучение английского по песняманглийский по песням с субтитрамианглийский по песням для начинающихизучение английскогоизучение английского языкаанглийский язык по песням с субтитрамипесни на английском языкеrosi golanанглийский по песнямпереводы песен на русскийпереводы песен с английского на русский

Description: Изучение английского языка по песне с текстом, переводом и произношением. Карточки с английскими словами Quizlet к песне: boosty.to/englishbysongs - бесплатный курс во вкладке "Об авторе". Слова пронумерованы по частоте использования в языке (согласно словарю Collins): 1) - постоянно 2) - очень часто 3) - часто 4) - редко 5) - очень редко Мои книги на ЛитРес: bit.ly/2rydVoW Второй канал: bit.ly/2TjGC4M Поддержать канал: donationalerts.ru/r/feuata Текстовая версия: englishbysongs.ru/perevod-pesni/1957-rosi-golan-come-around Текст песни "Come around" So high tonight and I don't feel like coming down I could lie to you all my days But you're the one, you're the one And I'm a fool for waiting so long to let you know Come around, come around, come around, come around to me There's something in between you and I Come around, come around to me, you feel like breathing Come around, come around, come around, come around to me Like sunlight won't you come Lay your ray down, you're the one I could run, I could run for the life of me But where would that get me? Where would that lead? I'm a fool for waiting so long Please, come around, come around, come around, come around to me There's something in between you and I Come around, come around to me, you feel like breathing Come around, come around, come around, come around to me Can't you see, you're my life, life Come around, come around, come around, come around to me (come around) Come around, come around, come around, come around to me Come around, come around, come around, come around to me There's something in between you and I Come around, come around to me, you feel like breathing Come around, come around, come around, come around to me Come around, come around, come around, come around to me (x3) Come around to me #английскийпопесням #переводпесен #английский #английскийязык #english

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