Channel: Ben Shapiro
Category: News & Politics
Tags: ron desantis mask offron desantis walt disney worldgov. ron desantisdisney desantisgov. desantisgovernor ron desantisfloridaron desantis vs disneyron desantis disney worlddesantis disney newsdesantisgovernor desantisben shapiroron desantis disneydesantis mathdesantis vs disneyron desantis best momentsdesantis walt disney worldron desantisdesantis disneydesantis disney worldron de santisinterview
Description: Ben Shapiro and Ron DeSantis sit down to discuss Florida's new Parental Rights in Education bill, which the media has falsely labeled the 'Don't Say Gay Bill.' Here's everything you need to know. Watch more of the discussion here: #BenShapiro #RonDeSantis #DeSantis #Florida #Disney #Woke #DontSayGayBill #Interview #Debate #DailyWire