Channel: NihongoGamer
Category: Entertainment
Tags: how tonintendojapannihongo gamergamerfingersimpleswitchmixboxps4brook universalps5diyfrom scratchtutorialfighting gamesbrookgamingcontrollerbuttonsnihongogamerbuild an arcade stickaccessoriesarcadexboxarcade stickcheaphitboxeasydrillmake arcade stickfightstickpcgamer fingerbuildfighting boardhitbox controllerarcadestickbrook gamingmake your own
Description: Build a controller. Cheaper. Better. Yours. Want to build using the same/similar parts I used? Here are my affiliate links! ★Brook Universal Fighting Board: ★Brook Fighting Board Cable: ★Brook "Hitbox Cable": ★Black and Decker Cheap Drill: ★WEN Cheap Rotary Tool: ★Hole Saw Drill Bits: (This one has a 25mm bit but you will also need a 30mm bit or you can drill a 28mm hole and use the rotary tool to enlarge it manually) ★USB A to USB B cable: Come watch a stream on Twitch! I stream 2-3 times a week and still do! It's a lot like the YouTube videos but interactive!! ★NihongoGamer Clips Channel➡️ ★Twitch➡️ ★Discord➡️ ★Twitter➡️ ★COUPON CODE: Want 5% off the Arcade Stick used in many of my videos (the Victrix Pro FS)? Use discount code: NIHONGOGAMER at **This is an affiliate code so you get a discount and I get a commission! :) Code works for Victrix Pro AF headset too!** 0:00 Intro 0:27 Version 1 recap 1:51 Parts Checklist 5:17 Button Placement 5:53 Drill Button Holes 7:28 Insert Buttons 8:05 USB port 8:10 Wiring 9:43 USB Cable 10:05 Post to NG Discord 10:14 Controller Test 10:37 SFV 11:33 Button Sound Comparison 12:12 Why build your own controller? 12:50 Increased Accuracy 13:26 BBTag 13:58 Summary