Channel: lil' monkey media
Category: Entertainment
Tags: lilmonkeylil monkey media ricardomoralslil monkey media playmobilbaby comes homenew babylil' monkey mediaplaymobil city lifebaby boylittle monkeyplaymobil dollhousenew baby boylil monkeyplaymobil ricardo familyplaymobil toyscome play with mestories with dolls and toysricardo familybaby brotherplaymobilbabyplaymobil family funbest playmobilkid friendlydollsplaymobil storyfamily moralsplaymobil hospitalricardo family baby
Description: Join the Ricardo Family for a new daily adventure! The Ricardo family are at Becky and Jason's house trying to get things all cleaned up and ready for new baby boy Eddie to come home from the hospital. Lucy and Rick clean up the house and Rick makes some meals for Becky and Jason. Marcel, Johnny and Jasmine help by making beds with clean bedding and the triplets can't wait for their Mommy, Daddy and new baby brother to come home! Watch the Ricardo Family from the very beginning here: You can see all my Reborn and Baby Alive doll videos here: You can see all my Madi Maureen Vlogs videos here: Instagram: Twitter: Visit our channel for more cool videos and to join all the fun up in our treetop please subscribe to Lil Monkey Media’s channel: When you need to escape for some silly fun then click on our Monkey Around playlist featuring original skits and series. If you go bananas for toys, toys, and more toys then click on our Treetop Toy Box Playlist for videos like Playmobil, LOL Surprise Dolls, Littlest Pet Shop, stop-motion builds, blind bag openings and more! To spark your imagination click on our Creative Branch playlist where you’ll find cool craft ideas and DIY like: Slime, custom toys, foam kits and more! When you’re up for watching a funny original scripted story click on our Monkey Tales playlist MUSIC: Licensed Use From YouTube and Bensound Audio Library: - Where I Am From by Topher Mohr and Alex Elena - Bright Future by Indiebox - Panama Hat No Voice by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Artist: - For Your Inspiration by Indiebox #monkeyaround #ricardofamily #newbaby #babyboy #babybrother #playmobilfamily #playmobilstory #playmobiltoys