Channel: Yamaha_Global
Category: Music
Tags: yamaha musicyamaha music europeyamaha_globalmakewavesconcertpiano musicmusicschoolelectoneyamahacorporationyamahamakewavesyamahapianoyamaha stories
Description: This video clip is the series of Yamaha International Highlight Concert 2021 Selection which is the collection of outstanding performance and/or composition of Yamaha Music School Students worldwide. [Title] Revitalize [Composer -Electone] Yedija Kurniawidi -Indonesia [Comments from the performer] During the pandemic, I could not do activities freely. I spent most of my time at home. Life during the lockdown felt monotonous, soulless, and dare I say it - lifeless. To overcome my boredom, I entertained myself by playing music, which has revitalized my soul back again. -------------------------------------- Yamaha Music Schools Expanding Globally.