Channel: Andiematronic
Category: Entertainment
Tags: andiematronicfivenightsatfreddysfnaf
Description: Second Channel: So many awful bootlegs and rip-offs loaded all into one video, honestly shocked I didn't just burn my tablet after this!! Thanks for tuning in! No this channel is not dead, nor will it ever be, look forward to more content in the near future!! Special thanks to my AMAZING subscribers and getting this channel up to 500,000 subscribers, luv you all!!!! Music used in order: Animal Crossing City Folk - 2PM Doctor Vox - D FNaF World - City Theme Pokemon XD - Mirror B Ultimate Custom Night - Highschool Days Kirby Airride - Forest Kevin Macleod - Overcast Pokemon XD - Pyrite Town Kevin Macleod - Amazing Plan Special Thanks to Caustic and his track 'City of Trees' - Ace Attorney - Suspense + Jailer's Elegy Kevin Macleod - Kool Kats Instagram: