Channel: Troll Munchies
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: john kricfalusiren y stimpycartoon reviewhoward stern showscandalren & stimpy1990srenren and stimpy adult party cartoonjohn kricfalusi interviewstimpynostalgianickelodeoncartoonsplatjohn kriscans without labelsnicktoonsanimationthe ren and stimpy show90s animationjohn and stimpyhappy happy joy joyjohn k90sspumco
Description: Happy happy joy joy! Everybody loves the classic Nicktoon, Ren and Stimpy (which can be watched on Nick Splat). But there’s a dark secret behind it. Something that lurked in the darkness throughout the show’s existence and the years after until relatively recently. The beloved cartoon’s creator, John K, was a vile predator, and he got away with it for years. Subscribe To Trollmunchies