Channel: Vlog Creations
Category: Entertainment
Tags: rosscreationsstuntcomedyhilariouscreationsrossrosscreationsvlogfunny
Description: Become a member Check out Shane's channel: @Shorty Shane Instagram Ross @CreationsRoss Jared @JKelderman Snap @rosscreator Twitter @CreationsRoss 0:00 Legend 0:02 We’re here to work 0:38 I was just having fun 1:45 Dropping Off Midget in Baby Carrier at Fire Station 4:36 Where’s the sirens 5:22 Shorty shoutout 5:37 Here’s the holes 6:17 Everybody pick one thing 6:59 New video 7:21 Removing My Engine and Asking People for a Jump 10:15 A week in your shoes 10:42 Break my ankles 11:22 Sneak peek 11:34 Outro