Channel: ESSNTL
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: brianneliveallofdestinytexlaxed hairshort relaxed hairrelaxed hair journeythick relaxed hairrelaxed hair regimen for growthhair q&arelaxed hair routinerelaxed hair tagfuller hairwash day relaxed hairrelaxed bobrelaxed hairstyles
Description: Hi lovelies! This a relaxed hair tag that I found online. I thought it would be a fun way to give some insight on my relaxed hair journey! I've also tagged a few of my favorites to do the tag! Questions (Time Stamps included): 1.What is your current length and where did you start? 0:21 2.What is your goal? 0:55 3.How long have you been relaxed? 1:48 4.What made you decide to be relaxed over natural? 2:00 5.Would you ever go natural? 2:52 6.When did you start your hair journey? What inspired your to start? 3:32 7.Quickly share your regimen 4:46 8.What’s your favorite hair product or line? 5:59 9.Have you found your staples? 6:33 10.What are some of the reactions you get from others about having relaxed hair? 7:20 11.Name your favorite protective styles 8:40 I tag: - Aleah (ESSNTL) - AllofDestiny: - BrianneLive: DONT FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE :) CONNECT WITH US! Instagram: @essntl Twitter: @BeEssntl Blog: Business Inquiries: For Sponsorships or Endorsements: