Channel: Air Safety Institute
Category: Education
Tags: planecommsflightvfrseparatepatternmidaviationtrainingownersairapproachaccidentmid-aircrashradioatcsafetycommunicationair safetylightstowercockpitnavigatepilotspilotaircraftairportcollisionaopaflymidairifrasiflyingairplaneinstituteavoid
Description: REEDITED FOR CLARITY. Originally released in December 2015. Made possible by the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association and the Donner Canada Foundation. Description: Mid-air collisions fall into that “low probability, high consequence” category, but the topic still brings a chill to most pilots. In this video, we discuss areas where the risk of a mid-air is greatest as well as strategies for minimizing the chance of having one.