Channel: EpicReviewGuys
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: epicreviewguysredfora earthquake bag reviewearthquake bag reviewwhat's included in a survival kit?best survival kitwhat comes in a survival kit?best go bag
Description: My brother and I put the Redfora Earthquake Bag- to the test! Survival Bags or "Go Bags" are designed for when you have to leave your home in a sudden emergency. They provide everything you may need to survive- food, water, shelter, first aid, etc for a set period of time. Redora's "The Earthquake Bag" will provide for two people for three full days. Not a glamourous survival experience (though they do include a comb and laundry detergent) but with this survival kit and the clothes on your back you can hope to survive being displaced by an earthquake, wildfire or even a zombie apocalypse! We use affiliate links. Clicking on them doesn't change the price you pay but we may receive a small percentage of the sale.