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Red Flags of a Predator

Duration: 02:37:28Views: 652Likes: 31Date Created: Sep, 2019

Channel: Christian Journal Media

Category: Education

Tags: leaderpreysalvationchurchnarcissistwake upamericatennessee pastors networkcultdrew silvernailchildrenchristianwarriors for christvictimizerdrag queenprophecycivil warmanipulateend timesdale walkerrepentbibleidentifypredatorserial predatorwarjon uhlerjesuspsycopathsignorancegroomingbattlegroundadultdrag queen story hoursexualliberal

Description: Jon Uhler of survivorsupport.net joins us along with Pastor Dale walker of the Tennessee Pastors Network to discuss the red flags of predators Google has demonetized our videos, please consider donating to the ministry or sign up for a subscription on ChristianJournal.net for the latest news as it relates to Christians and the world You can also get a membership to our Bible Study classes on wfcchurch.org, you can watch exclusive videos and take notes all in the member area! You can donate safely and securely by visiting our website wfcchurch.org/site/donate or PayPal at paypal.me/TheChristianJournal For prayer please text (973)-512-2326 Join the most active Christian Social Media Network socialcross.org Facebook link: facebook.com/realwarriorsforchrist Web address: wfcchurch.org

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