Channel: Statistically Challenged
Category: Gaming
Tags: osrs bossosrs whiposrs clue scrolltwisted leaguerelictwisted league pvmsolo missionosrs rngosrs lootosrs pvmosrsoldschool runescape twisted leaguetwisted league rareold school runescapeosrs rangeosrs boss taskosrs rare droprunescapedeviousa friendwildmudkiptwisted league raidsosrs twisted league rankosrs twisted leaguemynameisb0atyrank1osrs slayerosrs twisted league pointsosrs iron man
Description: We hit Rank 1 Range after hitting 25m Range exp! Welcome to Episode 4 of the OSRS Twisted League Journey of becoming a monster PVM account. Our relic is built to give my account maximum DPS for bossing/raids. I started with Abyssal Accumulator relic and ended with Xeric's focus. After the Abyssal Whip our potential is endless. Play Twisted League OSRS here: Make sure you guys sub to stay tuned on this series!