Channel: S0ur
Category: Gaming
Tags: s0urpatchs0urpatchadultsvanguard xpsourcall of duty vanguardvanguard shipmentshipment thoughtss0urcall of dutycod vanguardsledgehammersourpatchcodshipment spawnsvanguardvanguard shipment spawnssourpatchadults
Description: Shipment came to Vanguard a little while ago, but I never talked much about the map itself. So, why not ramble about this version of Shipment, going through a mix of tips and thoughts. Naturally, that'll mean most of the video joking about the absurd spawn traps and spawn logic in general. Link to copy the camo tracker sheet: Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:09 - Attachment challenges now on camo tracker sheet 0:47 - Shipment: any good? 1:07 - Spawns lol 6:28 - Climbing on crates 7:16 - Strong perks 9:12 - Killstreak spam 10:20 - Shipment summary 10:52 - End -------------------------------------------------------------- S0ur Twitter: S0ur Discord Server: S0ur Twitch: Website: