Channel: Oddnaari
Category: News & Politics
Tags: youtubeराजस्थानगैंगरेप केसयूट्यूबuploads video to youtube for dowryhusbandभरतपुर गैंगरेपभरतपुरgang rapecrime newsbharatpur rapebharatpurपति ने पत्नी का बलात्कार करवायाrajasthanrajasthan rape incidentrajasthan man allegedly gets wife gangraped by relativeswifedowryrajasthan crime newsdowry caserelativesराजस्थान गैंगरेपsexual abuse videorajasthan latest crime newsसामूहिक बलात्कार मामलाvideo filmed gang rape
Description: Read Story: A man in Rajasthan’s #Bharatpur allegedly got his wife gang raped by his relatives after her family failed to pay him a dowry of Rs 1.5 lakh. He allegedly filmed the video of the gang rape and uploaded it on a media platform. The husband allegedly told his wife that he would get the dowry money by uploading her sexual abuse video from YouTube. The victim has filed a case of sexual abuse against the husband and two of his relatives. Watch this video, to know more.