Channel: Movie Junkie
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: horror movienorseragnarokcreaturesaliensmaking monstersmovie junkieall sightingsragnarok monstermonstersnordicragnarok 2013mythologymonster analysis2013serpent
Description: An insight into the making of the Serpent and the Visual Effects of Ragnarok (2013) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Making Monsters is a series that delves into the work involved in creating your favourite movie monsters. Showing you scene break downs, raw visual and practical effects as they develop and providing you with information on how they work and the processes involved in making them come to life. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSIC: 00:06 - 05:41 - Audionautix - The Voyage 05:46 - 06:05 - Two Steps From Hell - Heart Of Courage VISUAL EFFECTS: Rødseth Stunt & SFX - Ghost VFX - STUDIOS: Fantefilm - Nordisk Film - Merchandise: Join me on Facebook: Consider supporting me on Patreon: Cant see a Monster Analysis? Video blocked in your country? NordVPN has given me a 73% off code for you guys to use, follow the link below and use code 'moviejunkie' to get a two year subscription for under £3/$4/€3 a month.