Channel: Entertain The Elk
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: queen's gambit chessqueen's gambit season 2queen's gambit interviewbenny wattsentertain the elkqueens gambitqueen's gambit behind the scenesqueen's gambit openingbeth harmonthe queen's gambitwhat makes a story cinematicentertain the elk queen's gambitqueen's gambit endingharry beltikvibratovibrato!queen's gambit reviewchessborgovqueen's gambitfilmqueen's gambit scenequeen's gambit trailercinematicanya taylor-joyqueen's gambit music
Description: Listen to my D&D Podcast, Of Mice and Men and Monsters, right now by clicking here: ______________________ In this video, I examine how The Queen's Gambit uses every filmmaking tool in order to make the simple more cinematic. PATREON - INSTAGRAM - @EntertainTheElk TWITTER - @EntertainTheElk WEBSITE - MUSIC IN THIS VIDEO: "Black Heat" by Ross Bugden - Music is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Link: