Channel: ForThe LoveOfUpDos
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how toyoutube blackcovidspritzthick haircourse hairprotective stylehairbubblebubble ponytailshine n jamsavagetoosie slidegot2bupdosedges4b4cponytailjackie ainaaaliyah jaymeg thee stallionfortheloveofupdosnatural hairgorilla snotquarantinestylecovid 19tic tok
Description: Hey boos hers another quick and easy style to keep you fresh while home on quarantine! If you're a frontline worker, this is a quick style that you can create at home using hair you probably have lying around. If you are a frontline worker we salute you and ask God to cover over your life as you risk it daily to serve and help! we appreciate you deeply! Products used: ------------------------ gorilla snot gel got 2 b black gel shine n jam lotta body coconut leave in conditioner spray fantasia spritz any kanekalon braiding hair.