Channel: MrRamsey
Category: Gaming
Tags: plants vs zombies 2pvz 2 all plantspvz 2ms gamesmr ramseypvz 2 all plants max levelblue shadow gameplayallstar zombiegargantuar zombiefootball zombiezomboidplantzombie
Description: 🔸 Plants vs Zombies 2 How Many Plants Can Defeat 10 All Star Zombies at Once? PvZ 2 Discovery! 🔸 Subscribe HERE and NOW ☞ 🔸 Subscribe HERE and NOW ➜ 🔸 More info about the game: Plants vs Zombies 2 Platforms: Android, IOS Publisher: EA - Electronic Arts Developer: PopCap Games ******INFO All-Star Zombie****** - Explodes upon reaching a plant, destroying it instantly. If kicked by an All-star Zombie, it will explode on the tile it lands on and deals damage to plants near where it explodes. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔸 Thanks for every Like, Share, and Comment!