Channel: chud327
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: dualshow to砂косилка割草机projecttraktorरेतdiytractor拖拉机沙chudchud327грязьtiresatvтракторtesthomemadeschlamm泥самодельныйトラクターпесокट्रैक्टरsandmäherकीचड़घास काटने की मशीन芝刈り機drivemud
Description: In this episode, duals on the Deere again and sand testing! Please consider supporting my work with Patreon - If you would like to mail me a product to review, fan mail, gifts, etc. My address is Chud327, PO Box 687, Callahan, Florida, 32011. I hope you like and thanks for watching.