Channel: ModernGalaxy
Category: Education
Tags: new modern galaxykryon modern galaxy2021 predictionsmodern galaxy youtubekryongalactic federationkryon 2021channelingenergy updategalactic federation of lightlee carrollnew kryon channelingmodern galaxyelizabeth aprilkryon healingtodd brysonhealing wednesdaykryon 2019the akashic records meditationaffirmationsascension symptomsascensionthe akashic recordsmeditationascension energiesakashic recordsakashic records reading
Description: Todd Bryson - Akashic Records Practitioner | Agent of Change I Can Open Your Souls Records!! The Pleiadian guides are asking us to tune our instruments to receive conscious guidance from the higher dimensions. Communication from the family comes to you without the use of the five senses. It's a download of information that has no time or space limitations because it doesn't come through the human brain. Instead, it comes directly to your heart and soul energy. Remember now. #akashicrecords #Kryon #ascension #energyupdate #pleiadians #galacticfederationoflight #pleiadianmessage #healingwednesday #elizabethapril