Channel: Your Youniverse
Category: Education
Tags: automatic writingpsychic abilitysupernaturalmediumunlock psychic abilitiesspirit guideawakeningpsychic power trainingpower of the mindpsychicpsychic abilitiesyour youniversemindastral projectionhow to develop psychic abilitieshow to become psychicconsciousnessclairvoyantspiritsbrain powerpsychic powerprecognitionclairvoyancemind powerdevelop your psychic abilitieschanneling spiritspsychic powerspremonitionunlock your mind
Description: Psychic abilities lie within every one of us! ✅ FREE ONLINE MASTERCLASS & MEDITATION DOWNLOAD: 💥HOW TO TRAIN YOUR BRAIN FOR EFFORTLESS MANIFESTATION (WITHOUT WAITING YEARS FOR RESULTS) ➡️ Much like learning to ride a bicycle, anyone can become skilled with their supernatural gifts and move beyond the 5 physical senses and into the spiritual realms. In this video I outline 4 abilities that psychics possess and show you how to begin developing these skills: astral (mental) projection (traveling outside of one’s physical body), psychometry (psychic touch), automatic writing (mediums and channeling spirits) and precognition (clairvoyance). The mind and consciousness are capable of extraordinary things, and scientists, clairvoyants, psychics and mediums tend to agree that the unknown capabilities and mental abilities of the human brain are yet to be found. Here, I will show you a small fraction of the known psychic abilities we as humans all possess and only need to develop in order to become "psychic". #psychic #spirituality WORK WITH ME: 💥 ONLINE COURSES: 💥 VIP COACHING PROGRAM: (MONTHLY CONTENT DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX + PRIVATE SUPPORT FORUM) 💥MY MONTHLY MEDITATION CLUB: TAKE MY MANIFESTATION QUIZ 💥 Take my 5-min "What Would You Like to Attract Most?" Quiz to learn what you can do today to start living a life filled with financial freedom, happiness, dynamic relationships and spiritual joy: 💥 Subscribe to my channel for more life changing videos➡ 💥 CATCH UP ON ALL OF MY VIDEOS & TECHNIQUES HERE ➡ 💥 If you'd like to fan fund the Your Youniverse Channel click here ➡ 💥 My book: 50 Law of Attraction Exercises, Tips & Tricks to Hack Your Mind & Increase Your Manifestation Power ➡ 💥Subscribe to My Meditation Music Channel: *Video Production/Content Copyrighted by Your Youniverse Channel CONNECT WITH ME: 💥 (Exclusive Members Site) 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 More Your Youniverse law of attraction and mind secret videos: How to SPEED Up Manifestation Using This SIMPLE Breathing Technique! Angel Numbers and Their Meanings (111, 333, 444 & More Decoded) Why You Keep Seeing These Numbers 5D Reality – How to Shift to A Higher Dimension and Manifest Faster! REPROGRAM Your Subconscious Mind While You SLEEP | Positive Affirmations for an ABUNDANT Life How the Law of Attraction Works (And How to Manifest Faster!) Explanation & Manifestation Technique How I Raise My Vibration FAST & Get into Alignment with My Manifestations! Ancient Secrets of Sacred Geometry & The Architecture of the Universe (Universal Code) Seed of Life Law Of Attraction | Your Youniverse | the secret | mind | powerful | key | success | life | coach | coaching | training | inspiration | motivation | coaching (industry) | motivational | positive | inspirational | new | 2021 | attract | create | manifest | how to manifest what you want | how to attract what you want | learn this | Your Youniverse Channel | Psychic Abilities Anyone Can Unlock How to Do It | Psychic Abilities Everyone Can Unlock | psychic ability | psychic abilities | how to become psychic | unlock psychic abilities | how to develop psychic abilities