Channel: Hungry Lights
Category: Music
Tags: voicestop talkingchester benningtonhow to prevent vocal damageyellingtechniqueprofessionalyoutube metalspeakingstop doing thistunnel throatvoice changingtutorialfalse cordgutturalshungry coverstensionjustin bonitzbreath supportperforminggrowlslessondiaphragmshoutingfrytallahscreamomiley cyrushow to screamcore strengthhealing your voiceglottal compressionraspvocal strainscreaming techniquescoachvocalistshungry lights
Description: MY MUSIC AND SOCIAL MEDIA IS ALL LINKED HERE: Vocalists, stop doing this! A lot of this seems like common sense, but hoot me this... why are so many professional vocalists doing it? Do they even know how bad some of these things are for your voice? In this video, I explain some of the most common but overlooked ways singers, screamers, and public speakers get vocal strain/damage. From over-projecting to over-using, I am going to show you how to stop destroying your voice OFF the stage. For those of you who want to know what song I am singing over during the vocal demonstration, here you go: If you want to book a vocal lesson with me, email me at "" [Disclaimer]: If you end up hurting yourself because you misunderstand/misinterpret something I say in this video or in one of my online classes, that is 100% on you. I cannot be held responsible for mistakes you make on your own. đ Thank you so much for all of your support! đ #howtoscream #vocalhealth #justinbonitz