Channel: GuitarLessons365Song
Category: Music
Tags: procol harumgary brookera whiter shade of pale coverfaith guitarsguitarlessons365songa whiter shade of palea whiter shade of pale procol haruma whiter shade of pale guitar lessoncarl brown
Description: Subscribe To The GL365 Academy Today! Free 7 Day Trial and Discount Offers with the link below. Available Across All Major Apps! Sign Up For My Newsletter! My All New Merch is Here! Subscribe for new songs every week! Check out my theory and technique channel! Follow GuitarLessons365 on Twitter! Please help support my lessons on Patreon. In this A Whiter Shade Of Pale guitar chords video lesson, I will show you how to play this beautiful song from Procol Harum in its entirety on acoustic guitar. The tuning is standard tuning, E A D G B E. It is important to remember that since this is not a guitar based song, the chord voicings that I am using are based on what I feel more closely match what is being played on the original piano based recording. So if you have played this song before, what I play might be somewhat different. I will cover each section of "A Whiter Shade Of Pale" in the order that each appears on the original recording. Most of the song is based around just one twelve chord progression. This progression will have a different ending depending on what section of the song you are currently at (ie. intro, verse or chorus). I hope you enjoy learning this beautiful classic! R.I.P. Gary Brooker! Carl... #awhitershadeofpaleguitarlesson #procolharum #garybrooker