Channel: Learn English with Rebecca · engVid
Category: Education
Tags: english vocabularytefltoeflbusiness englishphrasal verbsenglezăinggrisenglish grammarenglish classvocabularyi̇ngilizceprepositionenglishangielskiαγγλικάinglésангли́йскийworkspeak englishengvidingleseexpressionsaccenttesolnative speakertoeicإنجليزيspoken englishanglaisenglischidiomsieltslearn englishteslangolesllessonsanglicky
Description: Do you use the word “work” correctly in English? Do you know what prepositions to use with “work”? Do you work in or on a project? Do you work for or from 9 to 5? Do you work in or at a bank? Watch this grammar class and learn the correct prepositions to use with “work”. Find out when to say: work at, for, with, in, on, as, from, until, and more. Master this common verb to make fewer mistakes and communicate more effectively. Test yourself with the quiz at To upgrade your English further, take my online course, Correct Your English Errors in 10 Minutes a Day: