Channel: Ryan Smith
Category: Entertainment
Tags: prankneededtext prankrihanna lyricsneed me rihanna lyricsantipranking friend with song lyricslyric prankneeded me remixprank text lyricspranking with song lyricsneeded mefriendmesong lyricslyricsfriend text pranksongmike foxlyric text prankneeded me lyricsneedprank texting song lyricsneed merihanna needed merihannaprank textingneeded me cover2016lyricneeded me clean lyricssong lyric prankrihanna song
Description: I did a song lyrics text prank and my friend fell for it hard! ~Give a thumbs-up! ~Comment your opinions about this conversation! ~Suggest who I should prank next/what song I should use! ~Subscribe for more. Music: "Needed Me" by Rihanna This idea was inspired by Mike Fox: Have a GREAT day! Thank you so much for spending a part of it with me :D