Channel: bigclivedotcom
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: clip onrechargeableone belowringlightphoneusbpound shopledcamerabattery
Description: This seems to be a very common little light. It clips onto your phone to provide illumination from all directions and avoid shadows. This one came from a UK Pound shop called One Below, and cost around £2. Not bad for the functionality and components. I've tried this style of light for macro shots, but it tends to give a lot of reflections in shiny objects. For my PCB photos I use a much wider ring of LEDs. It's interesting that the PCB clearly has the functionality of being USB rechargeable for use with a lithium cell. Although those component positions were unpopulated I still reverse engineered that area and added it to the schematic. Both parts of the assembly are well worth the small cost of the unit. The LED ring can be powered directly from a USB supply with suitable resistors to limit the current to around 360mA (36 LEDs at around 10mA) I'd guesstimate around 5.6ohms at 2W. There's one component position I didn't mention. The resistor between the gate/base of the transistor and 0v rail. It's for a pull down resistor to allow the use of a MOSFET. If you enjoy these videos you can help support the channel with a dollar for coffee, cookies and random gadgets for disassembly at:- This also keeps the channel independent of YouTube's advertising algorithms allowing it to be a bit more dangerous and naughty. #ElectronicsCreators