Channel: CDTVProductions
Category: Entertainment
Tags: the racepoorly aged lyricscdtv productionscdtvproductionship hop 2020cdtvpoorly aged rap lyricsbad rap lyricsworst lyricschance the rapperrap lyrics that aged poorlynotorious biglyrics that aged poorlyrap 2020hot showerchance the rapper managerworst rap lyricschance the rapper the big daytay kultralight beambiggie juicychance the rapper fall offbiggiebadly aged lyricsjuicycareful what you wish fortay k the raceeminem
Description: ➤ MindzCollide Podcast Channel - POORLY AGED RAP LYRICS: Hey guys! Today, we're gonna be talking about rap lyrics that aged poorly. There can be numerous different reasons why lyrics age in a bad way, but with all of these, they were nowhere near as ironic or cringeworthy as they are now with the context we have years after they've been said. So what lyrics made the cut? Well, this is CDTVProductions, and watch the video to find out! Lyric cards made on See My Videos Early! - Previous Video: ➤ What Was the BEST Year For Hip Hop? - Related Videos: ➤ THE BIG DAY - ➤ PEGASUS - Instagram - Twitter - Equipment I Use to Make Videos: Rode NT1-A Microphone - Scarlett 2i2 Solo Interface - Canon EOS Rebel SL2 Camera - Background Music: Origami Beats - Disclosure: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission, with no extra cost to you. This help support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support! RAP 2020/HIP HOP 2020 Timestamps: Intro - 0:00 Chance the Rapper on Ultralight Beam - 1:05 Chance the Rapper on Hot Shower - 3:25 Tay-K on The Race - 3:47 The Notorious B.I.G. on Juicy - 5:41 Eminem on Careful What You Wish For - 6:52 Outro - 8:53