Channel: Mr LightMode
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: lightmodehelmetsled helmetglowing helmetlightmodehelmetstron helmetel helmetlightmode helmetstronlight modehelmet light
Description: ► You can now get these lights in RGB: ** Sept 3 Update: An RCMP officer emailed me after watching this vid. Him and his colleague tried to find a law that prohibits the use of helmet lights in BC, Canada. They could not find such law therefore it is LEGAL in BC, Canada. Disregard my statement at 6:36 saying it is illegal there. ** "Are LightMode helmets legal?" - I get asked this all the time so hopefully this video can shed some light on the matter. If you ride with a LightMode helmet, please share your police encounter stories, if any. If you've never had a police encounter with your LightMode helmet, please share as well. Q: Are these water resistant? A: Yes. Q: Will it work with my Icon, Shoei, HJC, etc.? A: Yes, any motorcycle helmet. You can print a PDF template to test fit before you buy: Printable templates: Q: What colors can I get these in. A: Previously, distinct colors. Now you get all the colors in one kit with the new Night Shift (link at the very top). Q: Can you ship to X country? A: Yes, we ship worldwide. Free shipping to USA and Canada. -------------------------------------------------- Follow Me: ► I: Follow LightMode: ► I: ► F: