Channel: Dangie Bros
Category: Entertainment
Tags: we built the worlds largest jenga towertiny jengadangie brosgame500lbssurvival500 poundsjengasurvivedworld recordplaying the largest game of jengatiny vs giantworlds largest game of jengaboard gamegiant jengatiny vs giant jengaplaying
Description: This GIANT Jenga tower is the WORLD RECORD. No tower beats the height of this tower. We played Jenga with Jeff on the top of the tower and it could fall any minute.. We also brought in a tiny Jenga tower for a fun Tiny vs Giant game of Jenga. Which tower do you think will win? How loud will it be when the tower falls? We had to use a boom lift from Home Depot to move the blocks on this tower. This tower weighs over 500lbs... Now this is Dangie. What fun board game should we supersize next? Would you climb to the top of this tower? I wonder if it has the same physics as the smaller tower. No other YouTuber has made a Jenga game quite like this one.. will we survive the worlds largest game of Jenga? FOLLOW DANGIE BROS ON OUR SOCIAL MEDIAS (@TheDangieBros): Facebook: Instagram: FOLLOW OUR PERSONAL INSTAGRAMS: Follow Chris on Instagram: (@christopherryan98) Follow Jeff on Instagram: (@jeffufahh)