Channel: Ginta Gaming
Category: Gaming
Tags: plants vs zombies heroes gameplaypvz heroes new card gameplayplants vs zombies heroes killer whalepvz heroes set 4pvz heroes new cardpvz heroes set 3pvz heroes gameplayparasol zombieplants vs zombies heroes new cardplants vs zombies heroes set 3pvz heroesplants vs zombies heroes untrickablepvzplants vs zombies heroes set 4plants vs zombiesplants vs zombies heroesplants vs zombies heroes new card gameplayplants vs zombies heroes upcoming
Description: Plants vs Zombies Heroes - Killer Whale with Parasol Zombie (Untrickable?) & 1000-Year Cheesemonger ➤ You can subscribe here: ➤ Check out PvZ Heroes Daily Challenges: --- Thank you for every likes and shares! I hope you enjoy watching my videos, and don't forget to leave a comment!