Channel: KidsEduc – Kids Educational Games
Category: Education
Tags: questionssectionsimpleexplanationexercisesphotosynthesisschoolcarboncuticlemeaningfunctionenglishpithpre-kxylemflowersbiologyeducationalanimationpreparingexamplesplantscienceelementarypreschoolguard cellbasiclessonsstudystomaforchloroplastslearningdioxidevegetablefactsdefinitiontutorialintroductionupper epidermisquizpracticalinterestingphloemresourcesleafstructurehomesuperactivitiesplantingworksheetlower epidermis
Description: Take a journey inside a leaf, learning all about photosynthesis and how it is essential for all life on earth. In this video you'll learn exactly how plants use photosynthesis to turn carbon dioxide and water into the air we breathe and food we eat. Lesson includes practical exercises. In this video you will learn the meaning of the words: chlorophyll, cuticle, upper epidermis, chloroplasts, lower epidermis, stoma, guard cell, xylem, phloem, pith. Kids Educ SUBSCRIBE TO US See more children's videos: