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Photoshop: How to Create the Look of SPRAY PAINT Portraits!

Duration: 10:05Views: 11.3KLikes: 706Date Created: Jan, 2022

Channel: Blue Lightning TV Photoshop

Category: Education

Tags: rotatespray paintblend modeblurlayer styleconcrete wall@bluelightningtvfademarty gellerlens blurangletutorialcopystencilquick masktransform toolborderbrightenmoveinvertblend ifphotoshopzoomblue lightning tvportraitfillweatheredstrokelayer maskfilterclouds filtermidtonesmid-tonesbrightnesshighlightsphoto effectselectionsizefilter galleryshadowsmerge layersgraffitipositionopacitysmart objectpencil toollevels

Description: Photoshop CC 2021 tutorial showing how to transform photos into the look of spray paint stenciled portraits. Concrete Wall (Photo: Drew Wilson): 1drv.ms/u/s!ArAEPhCK6XBWgepv_LI6TsOBxoPxDQ?e=omxrBF shutterstock.com/photos Royalty-free stock photos provided by Shutterstock ID #: 538654882 By Roman Samborskyi Royalty-Free Music provided by beatsuite.com High quality, copyright-free music for YouTube. Music track: "Ankara Star" All of my Patrons and Channel Members receive VIP Early Access Passes to watch my new Photoshop tutorials one week before the public can see them! 😊💙 Join my Community of Patrons on Patreon!: patreon.com/bePatron?u=2440633 Become a Channel Member!: bit.ly/2J3fP8c To become a Channel Member on IOS & other "unsupported devices": bit.ly/2OoJnwO Support Blue Lightning TV on Patreon for as little as $2/month! patreon.com/bePatron?u=2440633 #photoshop, #PhotoEffect, #SprayPaintArt Subscribe to Blue Lightning TV!: bit.ly/2WkFbkj BLTV MERCH @ Redbubble: BLTV.redbubble.com TeeSpring: teespring.com/stores/blue-lightning-tv Society6: society6.com/bltv YouTube Channel: youtube.com/user/bluelightningtv Website: bluelightningtv.com Facebook: facebook.com/BlueLightningTV Facebook “Subscriber Page”: bit.ly/2WmWIbw Instagram: instagram.com/bluelightningtv Tumblr: bluelightningtv.tumblr.com Twitter: twitter.com/bluelightningtv Pinterest: pinterest.com/bluelightningtv LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/martygeller

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