Channel: Just Joshing
Category: Entertainment
Tags: antshabitatwasps as petsqueendangerousraising waspscaptivityantscanadapaper waspnature channelwasp nestkeeping wasps as petsroachexperimenthoneymark roberfeedingyellowjacketexotichugebee hivebee keepinghissingwildlifecatchingpestwasp keepingants canadagrossumbrella waspstungcockroachkeeperstingant farmnational geographicmurder hornetbrave wildernesssciencehornetwildhornet kingpet yellowjacketbreedinghornet nest
Description: So I bought a giant madagascar hissing cockroach to feed to my pet yellowjackets, but I don't know if I have the heart to do it Intro song: Vexento - Masked Heroes