Channel: Basically Homeless
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecraftmr homelessrainbow six sieger6ranked with a skateboard controllerpewdiepier6 siegehelp us pewdiepierb6siegeplaying ranked r6 siege with an infinity gauntletgone fishing community controllersranked r6 with dumb controllersranked r6 siege with a nintendo 64 controllersplaying r6 with abasically homelessranked r6rankedcommunity controllersranked rainbow six siegeranked with a gamecube controllerinfinity gauntletbigfoot gaming
Description: PERMENANTLY BANNED FOR USING INFINITY STONES IN RANKED?? ONLY PEWDIEPIE CAN SAVE COMMUNITY CONTROLLERS FROM RINGWORM! Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of community controllers. A show where, you, the viewer, send me controllers and I attempt to make them work in a video game. Today we play ranked rainbow six siege with a Nintendo 64 reality quest controller, as well as various other controllers, like the nintendo 64 controller, the gamecube controller, the ouya controller, and a tony hawk skateboard controller. Would you like to send me a controller to use in the next episodes of community controllers? Send it here: Mr Homeless PO Box 7782 Amarillo, TX 79114 THANK YOU INDIE IMAGE - CHECK THEM OUT! Thanks Fizzy for the skateboard controller LINKS BASICALLY HOMELESS MERCH 😎 ⚡ ⚡ If you buy a shirt while I am streaming it will pop up on stream. ⚡⚡⚡LIVE STREAM Here is a link to my second channel ⚡ ⚡ ☔DISCORD ☔INSTAGRAM ☔TWITTER ☔SC: MisterHomeless ☔FACEBOOK ☔Reddit This video is the FOURTH ever episode of #CommunityControllers hosted by #BasicallyHomeless where we open boxes from you guys and then use the contents of them to play video games. Community controllers will most often be played in RANKED rainbow six siege but will also feature other games sometimes. Mostly, the focus is on the weird controllers and dumb ways to play pc games. Business: MUSIC: Blue Sizzle - Madness Paranoia Music by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: Music by Stevia Sphere Thank you guys so much for watching my videos and helping support me. I really do appreciate it. God bless y'all.