Channel: Guitar World
Category: Music
Tags: electric guitareventidehail stanblood eagleibanezguitar lessonguitar worldoctavessoundscapesjake bowensound designperipheryperiphery iv
Description: For tabs and text of this video lesson, see the March 2022 issue of Guitar World - ALL EARS by Jake Bowen of Periphery WHERE EAGLES DARE 16th note displacement, and how to play “Blood Eagle” For Periphery's track “Blood Eagle,” which Jake Bowen and his bandmates recorded for Periphery IV: Hail Stan, they employed seven-string guitars tuned to drop-A, one half step down (low to high) Ab, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Bb, Eb. In this lesson, Jake focuses on the rhythmic figures he plays behind Misha Mansoor’s guitar solo in the song. #JakeBowen #Periphery