Channel: Canote Films
Category: Entertainment
Tags: getting coughed on for wearing a maskcoughed oncomedymasks workparodywalmartwear a maskpeople are dumbbranson missouribranson mofunny mask videomask protestwearing a mask
Description: Watch these people COUGHING on me at a local Walmart, and yelling horrible obscenities, for wearing a mask!!! 🤬🤬🤬 LET'S MAKE THIS GO VIRAL!!! Hope you guys enjoyed my fun little mask comedy/parody video. This does sadly happen though. I've been coughed on at least 5 times for simply wearing a mask. It's almost a strange way of people protesting you wearing one. Such sad and strange times we are living in. Hope you got a good laugh. :) Subscribe! Instagram: @Canote_Films