Channel: Paul Priestley
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: pen and inkdrawing tutorialartistink drawingdraw sunflowers in pen and inksimplesunflowersdip penbeginners drawingpen and ink drawingdrawingsimple guide to pen and inkdraw sunflowersartinkdrawing techniqueseasyhatchingbasic drawing techniquespen and ink basicspaul priestleyeasy drawing tutorialart tutorialcross hatchingsketch
Description: This is Part 4 of my series on Pen and Ink Drawing. This art tutorial covers how to create a drawing using line, dots and scribbles. The tutorial also explores how to create depth in the drawing by using tone, line and hatching. This easy to follow drawing tutorial uses sunflowers as the image. I start from a simple sketch which is done in pencil. This sketch is simply a guide and is not slavishly copied. I explain how to vary the quality of line produced by twisting the pens and varying the pressure put on the pen. The final drawing shows how all these artistic techniques in action. The art tutorial is suitable for beginners and those looking to develop their drawing skills. Music: Cryin In My Beer by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Artist: Do you enjoy my work? Why not become a patron and receive great rewards in return? Checkout my Patreon site for details: PATRONS: I'd like to thank the following patrons whose support in the making of this video is much appreciated: Diana, Martyn Lawrence Clarke-Smith, Richard Chapple, Ivan Gilbert Rappaport, Carsten Guse, Farida Grewal, You buy dip pens etc from: Checkout: