Channel: Alone At Home
Category: Entertainment
Tags: playуборкаmuseum of selfiesمتحف صور شخصيةkids playingпаша и ильяพิพิธภัณฑ์ภาพเซลฟี่libangan para sa mga bataเด็ก ๆ กำลังเล่นдети играютการทำความสะอาดhiburan untuk anak-anakwash handscleaningpasha and ilyaالترفيه للأطفالขยะقمامةgarbageความบันเทิงสำหรับเด็กalone at homeentertainment for kidsразвлеченияล้างมือanak-anak bermainмузей селфимусорلعب الاطفالmuseo ng mga selfiesnag-iisa sa bahayอยู่บ้านคนเดียวมหาอำมาตย์และอิลยา
Description: Pasha and Ilya came to the museum of selfies and began to play. They got hungry, ate and forgot that you can’t litter. Garbage was everywhere. The boys met a huge number of bacteria and microbe. They immediately began to wash hands and do the cleaning. Funny fun and useful lessons. Subscribe to us please!