Channel: DiplexHeated
Category: Gaming
Tags: modsmodbattle simulatorworld war 2moddedtop 10epic fightworld war 1downloadrealisticmowbiggestdiplexgates of hellwarfaregates of hell editornewepic battlecustom gates of hell editor battlerts gamescustom battlestrategy gamesgamebestrealismmen of wardemoww1call to armsww2defenddefenseattackassault squaddlcfreeeditorgem editorgamingsimulatorpc gamelet's playeditor battlesiegewardiplexheatedbattleinvasionfort
Description: Game: Sound Mod: (Despite NOT being previewed in this video. Stay tuned for a follow-up...) Follow-up video with sound mod active: Here's the last winter action we'll see in some time as the last part of this showcase series will depict the final days of fighting in Berlin and the war in Europe. It will require a fully custom Berlin map, so I best get started on that! In this battle, Panzergrenadiers and heavy armor Tiger tanks will attempt to break through the Soviet encirclement, but the Soviets are ready with some of their biggest guns. This victory is up for grabs for both sides! Note: All my maps and battles are modified/not part of the original game and does not represent the finished product. Everything you see is yours to experience if you so wish to create it. My version of the game contains no third-party content. Some videos/battles may contain footage of edited damage models and gun ranges. Everything is created in the GEM game engine's editor, allowing me to make fully custom battle simulations.