Channel: Life in Jars?
Category: Education
Tags: tubifexpaludarium updateaquarium ecosphereaquatic isopods in aquariumsealed aquariumhomemade ecospherehomemade paludariumlife in jarslife in a jaraquatic isopodsclosed ecosystemecosphere updateplantsanimalsecospherepaludarium closed ecosystemterrarium ecosphereterrariumpaludarium ecospheresealed terrariumaquariumhomemade closed ecosystemwild strawberrypaludariumsealed paludarium
Description: The closed paludarium is 4 months old! There are thousands of aquatic isopods living in the aquarium part of the paludarium, and there are weird mysterious black orbs in the closed ecosystem as well. The spider plants and wild strawberries are doing great! I made this paludarium ecosphere out of an old aquarium. A paludarium is part land based and part water based, so part terrarium and part aquarium. This paludarium is closed and therefore a closed ecosystem. Enjoy! Seasonal changes in ecospheres: Merch: Patreon: Patrons: Claudia Watrin, Justin Duch, Daniela Partington, Non Mea Culpa, Matilda Fiship, Adam Rogers, Ed L, connor johnson, Axio