Channel: Tiktus color Art
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: 아크릴푸어링 기법flow artist아크릴 푸어링fluid painting아크릴화 기법fluid acrylicsacryl gießenfluid painting techniquestiktusfluid painting with acrylicsacrylic pouringpour paintinghow to paint아크릴 그림abstract artacrylic pouring techniqueabstract paintingacrylic pour paintingflow artacrylic paintingpaint pouringacrylic pouring for beginnersacrylic pouring abstract artfluid artacrylic pouracrylic paint pouringpouring paintpouring acrylic
Description: You would not believe what a fluid artist can paint with a hand-nail brush. Let yourself be surprised by this abstract painting method! Since I am always on the lookout for new painting tools has brought me by chance to this little hand brush. I had to try it out immediately. After I found out how to paint with it I did not want to withhold the idea and the result from you. The most important thing is not to dip the hand brush so deeply into the paint. If you just glide lightly over the surface you will create exciting artwork with a nice depth effect. If you want to paint another picture, you can reuse the hand brush, it washes out well. I hope you like the idea and if you try it yourself, I wish you a lot of fun and great works of art. Creative greetings Tiktus ------ You can also buy many of my artworks as originals, you can find my Etsy shop here*: If you don't want to use your personal hand-held nail brush, you can find beautiful models here on amazon*. ------ * = As an Etsy and amazon affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases: The links marked with * in my video description are affiliate links. Through some sponsored links, I receive a small commission when you purchase a product. This does not change the purchase price for you! Thank you so much for your support. #painting #fluidart #abstract painting