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Overwatch AWNN - I Never Drink… Wine

Duration: 02:34Views: 152.8KLikes: 4.9KDate Created: Apr, 2018

Channel: Omahdon

Category: Gaming

Tags: amelie lacroixmercy (overwatch)overwatchwidowmaker (overwatch)widowmakerangela zieglerwidowmercycomic dubmercymakermercy

Description: Download War Robots 6v6 PvP game and get AWESOME Starter Pack! bit.ly/2I4GsWI Comic dub of the following Overwatch fancomic!: dinochoobs.tumblr.com/post/167612799064/yes-hello-this-took-forever-i-was-supposed-to Support the artist!: ko-fi.com/dinochoobs Support me on ko-fi or Paypal!: ko-fi.com/A721OSG paypal.me/EdwynTiong Cast: Tamara Fritz as Widowmaker twitter.com/totalspiffage ko-fi.com/2026YBWCEJJUF youtube.com/user/totalspiffage Tiana Camacho as Mercy twitter.com/TianaCamachoVO youtube.com/channel/UC6KdvYUNNcQb_znRCo3VMqg Music: "Leopard Print Elevator" and "Gregorian Chant" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 Excerpt from original Sound effects: soundsnap.com End screen layout based on template by Deepak Kumar expertsguruji.com/2017/05/top-5-youtube-end-screen-templates.html "I UNDERSTOOD THAT REFERENCE" Moira shouts, kicking down the dining room doors and bursting into the room, "But this isn't how it went in the anime OR the superior manga version! You're just not capturing the essence of the mangaka's original intent in the scene which is" and then she gets dragged away by the weeaboo police, leaving a confused Mercy and Widowmaker behind in the middle of their cosplay fantasy play. Also, hey! If you want to read a nice juicy fanfic set in this "Dark Universe"-esque Overwatch AU that rolls around every Halloween, why not give @mizuaoi's "The Huntress" a go! Some mighty fine juicy reading in there and some Widowtracer goodness to boot! archiveofourown.org/works/12855144/chapters/29357205 Also, weird point: can I say how proud I am of the "War Robots" promo I put together here? While on vacation? I'd finished putting together that video about Overwatch AWNN's money stuff and how I intended to ask every artist about how they felt about monetisation AFTER my European trip was over... when suddenly I got an email from the marketing team behind "War Robots" telling me they'd like to go ahead with a promo I agreed to do a couple of weeks back and that they'd like it up just a couple of days after my vacation was over. Which meant that if I wanted to finish it on time, I'd have to do the promo (and the comic dub it'd be attached to) while I was on vacation. Woof. At first that all seemed... at least mildly untenable. Several things: a) I had to contact the comic artists NOW in order to make sure whoever's comic dub I put the promo in front of would be okay with it, b) I had to put together a new comic dub or take one of the ones I'd already mixed and scheduled before going on vacation and add the promo to it, and c) I didn't bring along my microphone to record a nice voiceover to go with that promo. And with the time pressure and the fact that I was on the Europe trip and would therefore be busy with all the vacationing stuff, it made this all feel... just untenable. So I was about to bail on the offer and look like a wishy washy washout. But then I thought: why the heck not? LET'S DO IT ANYWAY. So a) I started getting in contact with several artists regarding both the "War Robots" promo and regular Youtube ads (most were wary of the "War Robots" promo, less so the Youtubes) b) I took one of the comic dubs I'd already mixed and just naturally (?) worked in the promo at the beginning of the clip, and c) not having a proper microphone was tricksy, but I could write the script however I wanted (with a few guidelines), and you know what character has so many filters on their voice that it almost doesn't matter what kind of quality the original recording is in? Reaper. AND VOILA! WAR ROBOTS PROMO! I am a friggin' genius. Sorry for this entire ramble, I just wanted to share my process for spruiking someone's goods and wares with everyone. There's a surprising amount of stuff in there.

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