Channel: The FAM
Category: Entertainment
Tags: shadow figureomargoshtvhaunted overnight challengeshadow figure caught on camerathe famabandoned amusement parkstairs to nowhere omargoshtvovernightlake shawnee omargoshtv@overnightghostsomargoshtv moe sargilake shawneehaunted lake shawneeamusement parkabandoned west virginiaghost seen
Description: On tonight's Haunted OVERNIGHT Challenge Video, James the Fam and The Southcacks travel to West Virginia to spend an entire night at the Famous Haunted Lake Shawnee Abandoned Amusment Park. Lake Shawnee Amusement Park welcomed tens of thousands of visitors during its second run, which ran for just three years in the 1980s. Unfortunately, high insurance prices forced the White family to close their doors for the second and final time after a few short seasons, forcing them to pivot to other activities to keep the land active. They hosted fishing tournaments in what used to be the swimming lake, and they planned to create a space on the property for mud bogging, a motor sport the family knew would draw crowds to watch. While excavating a mud bogging track, though, the White family made a series of surprising discoveries that added depth to the property’s already rich history. Many people report interactions with the little girl who died on the swings. Because the White family acquired the original swing set when they reopened the park in the 1980s, it seems possible—likely, even—that the girl’s spirit might spend time near the spot where she took her final breath. Sure enough, some eerie interactions have taken place near the swing. Her swing is marked by a red ribbon, although she seems to prefer an adjacent swing where an owl ornament hangs down. On a still day, the owl seems to dance in a breeze only it can feel; we watched it shake and spin on an otherwise still day, when not even the leaves in the trees above seemed to move. Curiously, the owl will often stop in its tracks, falling limp as if someone hit a switch—or as if a child dropped it as she moved on to other toys. The boy who died when he drowned in the lake it also reported to move throughout the park, seemingly preferring the area at the front of the park where he can welcome and protect visitors in a way that he could not protect himself when he was alive. Close to the lake, a white plastic pinwheel attached to the side of an old ticket booth may be his connection from his world to that of the living. Like the owl ornament, the pinwheel moves even when there is no wind, suggesting that someone we can’t see might have the ability to control it. During our visit, Chris showed us a video featuring a woman asking for the pinwheel to move—to speed up, to go faster, to stop—and it does, even without the help of the wind. Is Lake Shawnee Amusement Park haunted? While it may be impossible to separate the suspicious from the supernatural, one thing is for sure: there doesn’t seem to be any evil spirits on the property. Despite the Shawnee burial grounds just across the field and the resting place for the Clay children who perished in a violent attack, there are only stories about playful ghosts who only seem interested in human connection. Your visit might connect you to your own ghost stories, but they are more likely to bring a smile to your face than fear. SUBSCRIBE to @THE SOUTHCACK'S ■ Follow The Fam On Social Media, for behind the scenes clips Instagram: Twitter: FB: ● DIRECT LINK to Become a Fam MEMBER: ■ OG FAM ■ SAVAGE FAM ■ SEEING EYE FAM ■ FEATURED FAM Please Continue to HELP SUPPORT THE FAM: ■ *Watching Older Videos, *Sharing Videos, *Watching "Entire Videos" *Support Advertisers that support my videos *Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, & FB *Donating to Paypal: ● For Professional INQUIRES OR to ADVERTISE to The FAM: Email: ■ LoVE Ya FaM ■