Channel: SweetEmelyne's
Category: Entertainment
Tags: fertility testbible pregnancyfertilitybabiesmale fertilitypcos pregnancytrying to conceivetrying to get pregnantpregnancy testletsgetcheckedfertility test resultspregnanttaking a pregnancy testgods timingttcpregnancy test resultspregnancyendometriosisttc journeyendometriosis pregnancyinfertilitybfptrouble getting pregnantfailed pregnancyhow to get pregnantmidwife fertilitywomens healthmidwifebabylets get checked
Description: This video has been sponsored by LetsGetChecked Use this link to purchase your test Use code EMELYNE20 for 20% off This is not an easy video for me to post. I've been nervous for weeks at the thought of this going up. The purpose for this video is to show that trying to get pregnant isn't always as easy and glamorized as some people make it out to be. This is a very personal video, I hope you can all respect my choices and journey. When God's timing is perfect our little baby will come. Until then we are enjoying being newly married and trusting in God's timing. Instagram @sweetemelynes My blog #pregnancy #ttc #pregnancytestlive FTC: This video is sponsored by LetsGetChecked. All opinions are my own and honest.