Channel: Melissa Maker
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: surprisereactionrevealpregnancy announcement 2017annoucementspregnancybaby announcementpregnancy surprisecompilationbabyhow we told our familysurprise pregnancy announcementpregnancy announcementbest pregnancy surprise compilationsfunnypregnantannouncement
Description: SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE PREGNANCY UPDATES: Getting pregnant was exciting enough...but revealing our big news to friends and family was easily one of the most anticipated moments for Chad and I. We wanted to create a fun and memorable pregnancy announcement that we knew would get a string of reactions from our closest peeps. In this video, I share a compilation of stories and photos and tell you how Chad and I revealed our big news. I'd love to know in the comments, how did you reveal a pregnancy to your friends and family? If you aren't pregnant yet but thinking about these things (totally normal, by the way!) I'd love to know what you want to do when you do get to share your news. I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching! xo My outfit: VISIT MY WEBSITE: My other content: Find me on: I N S T A G R A M F A C E B O O K T W I T T E R ***Some links above are affiliate links. By clicking on them and ordering something, I get a small commission which helps support this channel. Thanks for clicking on them and for your support)